Nafarmfoods is an Enterprise created with the aim of processing and preserving fruit and vegetables such as tomatoes pepper and onion by converting into paste form to help combat the issue of its scarcity, extreme cost and perhaps wastage during it’s harvest season.



Nafarmfoods is working and aiming to be one of Africa’s leading company in tomato processing by adopting global best practices and localizing it to develop scalable impactful and sustainable business that is committed to improving socio economic condition of the company.



our vision is to embrace local production of tomato paste in Nigeria and Africa at large by achieving an unlimited potential, serve and satisfy customers with our innovative,high service orientation and moral standard for integral business growth.


Our Product

Our product is highly nutritional, processed and package in a conducive environment to satisfy our customers need.


Empowerment and Community

since inception, Nafarmfoods has been conducting women and youth empowerment programs  in tomato processing, targeting cooperative societies and community based organizations.  More than 800 women and youths have been impacted in terms of equitable social and economic development